The Annual Meeting Of


of Bulyea, Sask. Inc.

Sunday January 31, 2021


Call to order

Opening Devotions

Minutes of Norrona’s Annual Meeting – January 26, 2020

Adoption of Agenda


  • Chairperson
  • Pastor
  • Faith Life Financial
  • Visitation Committee
  • Shared Ministry
  • Worship & Parish Life Committee
  • Sunday School
  • Area Strategy Committee
  • Choir
  • Trustee Committee
  • Carmichael Outreach
  • Financial Statement

Nominating Committee Report and Elections

Old Business

  1. Building Projects (tabled)
  2. Cemetery


D. Mission Project (Carmichael Outreach)

E. Future of Area Ministry discussion (tabled)

F. Renewal of our Ministry- How can we better function as a Parish? (tabled)

G. Banners

I. Model Constitution & Parish Policies (information only)

J. Eternity for Today booklets (information only)

New Business

  1. Proposed Budget for 2021
  2. Online (recorded) services
  3. Convener
  4. Auditors
  5. Scandinavian Supper (information only)
  6. Date for new Council installation
  7. Nominating Committee for 2021


Closing prayer

Annual Meeting Minutes

Norrona Church Annual meeting was held at the church on January 26th with Chair Merna Hanson presiding. There were 13 members present.

Pastor Carlton opened the meeting with prayer.

It was moved by Corri Gorrill, seconded by Carol Nordal that the minutes of the last annual meeting be adopted as read. Carried.

Corri Gorrill moved, Sharon Harvey seconded that the agenda be adopted as amended. Carried.

The reports of the church were presented. It was moved by Brenda Small, seconded by George Flotre, that the reports be adopted as printed: Chairperson, Pastor, Sunday School, Carmichael Outreach, Shared Ministry, Visitation Committee, Choir, Financial Statement 2018, Trustee Committee and Faith Life Financial. Carried.

The nominating committee, Merna Hanson and Corri Gorrill, presented Carol Gorrill and Teresa Kuski as willing to stand for nomination to council. A call for any further nominations was opened to the floor. With no response, it was moved and seconded that nominations cease. Carried. Carol Gorrill and Teresa Kuski will begin serving a 3-year term. Council members continuing to serve in the coming year are Merna Hanson, Corey Nordal, Brenda Small, Chad Kuski and Corri Gorrill. A vote of thanks was given to Crystal Boughner for her service on council. A vote of thanks was also given for council members continuing to serve.

Council will decide at the first meeting who will serve in which positions.

Old Business:

  1. Building projects: There was an update on the progress of projects in 2019. The Trustee Committee presented a budget and plan for the replacement of the front step. Due to the deteriorated condition of the cement it was recommended that the step be replaced with a structure also suitable for the addition of a wheelchair accessible ramp. It was moved by Corri Gorrill that the existing front step be replaced with a structure using composite material as proposed by the Trustee Committee. Seconded by George J. Flotre. Carried. Discussion followed about how to pay for the structure. It was proposed that there be a fundraiser held. It was moved by George J. Flotre and seconded by Corri Gorrill that a fundraiser is to be held in the sping to raise money for the new front step structure, and that funds from the Memorial Fund be transferred to pay the difference of the cost after the fundraiser. Carried. Jon Harvey and Carol Nordal agreed to coordinate the fund raiser. Council will be informed of plans at the meeting in February.
  1. Cemetery: The map sign will be re-set in the ground in the spring.
  2. Grass Cutting: Moved by Brenda Small and seconded by Corri Gorrill that Thompsons be approached to take on the task for 2020.
  3. Snow Removal: A letter of thanks is to be sent to Thompsons in the spring for snow removal in the parking lot.
  1. CLWR: The Mission festival held in August was again successful. Discussion was favorable that a CLWR fundraiser is to be held again. It was moved by Carol Nordal, seconded by Carrie Flotre, that a fundraiser be held on August 15th with a $300.00 cap on entertainment cost. Brenda Small will look into entertainment. There was no discussion about the project(s) for funds to be designated. The project will be determined by Council and presented for approval.
  2. Mission Project at Carmichael: Discussion was favorable that this project continues as members are able to deliver and coordinate the activity. Moved by Brenda Small, seconded by Sharon Harvey that the project will continue. A soup bee will again be organized.

New Business:

  1. Convener: Carol Nordal will perform this function for 2020 with help as required. A vote of thanks was made.
  2. Scandinavian Supper: The Bulyea Hall is booked for the 24th annual supper on April 18th. Pacific Fresh Fish have the lutefisk and pickled herring in storage. There are no tickets available yet. The committee will keep Council notified of plans.
  1. Future of Area Ministry Discussions: Brenda Small composed an information letter that was distributed to the Congregation and Parish in the newsletter. She outlined the discussions of 2019 that occurred in the meetings that were held. Discussion followed about how to proceed with the discussions that have begun in the area with regards to the future of ministry and possibilities of cooperation among Parishes and Congregations. As discussions have only just begun and there is a problem evident in the future, it was felt that these discussions must continue. Some questions arose about how much forethought has been put into the problem by the synod office in discussion about what can be done for individual congregations to continue with services as needed and desired. It was pointed out that the Synod has a library of media and services laid out for the use of lay people. Also a concern was voiced about having an equal voice in making decisions. It was pointed out that each congregation has an equal voice in the group as a whole when decisions are made. The congregation was in favor of Council continuing to represent Norrona at further meetings in 2020 and explore options in cooperation with other communities in the area. Council will continue to keep the congregation informed as these talks continue this year.
  2. Renewal of Ministry: Council has been having difficulty in implementing the process recommended by Joint Council. A composition of job descriptions is currently underway to help new Council members understand their roles. Council also desired a discussion about how we can better function as a parish as another way to start dealing with this topic. The only discussion point that was brought forward is that the workload of events should be shared proportionally as it seems that too much workload is expected sometimes of a smaller congregation. This will be further discussed at Council for more discussion with Joint Council.
  3. Display of Banners: It was noted that the banners that have been created over the years each have their own history, or “story”. Some are created for the festival seasons of the Church, and others have been created especially for use during the Church year. Corri Gorrill volunteered to coordinate making a historical record of the banners, and also displaying them more prominently so that visitors and members can see them on a steady basis.
  4. Flag Display: There has been discussion about the removal of the Christian and Canadian Flags from their positions on either side of the altar. These flags were mounted in approximately early 1968 in flag bases dedicated to Reinert and Anna Bjelland. Our congregational history has many articles dedicated in memory of congregation members by family. Archival records of the Secretary books from the years 1966 to 1972 contained no mention of the flags. The Church Councils of the years 1966 to 1969 contained a number of congregational members who were World War II veterans. It was surmised through discussion that the veterans and Congregation were proud of the new Canadian Flag and that it made them proud to be Canadians. Members present also commented that seeing the Canadian Flag displayed reminded them of the great country of which we are citizens. Through discussion it was also surmised that the display of the Christian flag reminded us of that our strength really comes from our Christian heritage. The Synod office was also consulted about flag display protocol. The reply from Synod Office is attached to the minutes as an addendum for reference. The final point made was that each congregation decides on such displays.

After discussion Corey Nordal moved that since this is a congregational decision, the flags be restored to the permanent display position decided by the Congregation around 1968. Seconded by Corri Gorrill. Carried.

  1. Installation of council will be held on February 23rd.
  2. Nominating Committee for 2020 – George J. Flotre volunteered, with someone from council to be named to assist.
  3. Auditor- Strasbourg Agencies performed the 2019 audit. This was completed in the timeframe needed to submit reports required by Revenue Canada and the Province. Brenda Small moved, George J. Flotre seconded that Strasbourg Agencies be appointed as auditor for 2020 financial year. Carried.
  4. Proposed budget for 2019 was presented by Brenda Small. Finances were better in 2019. It was explained that the request of the Annual meeting of 2019 for a reduction of Norrona’s share of expenses was not deemed necessary this year. The subject of the parish expense split will again be reviewed in 2021 as originally scheduled. Brenda Small moved and Carrie Flotre seconded that the 2020 budget be accepted as

presented. Carried. The congregation and council will continue to utilize lay services as often as possible as a way to reduce our expenses for pulpit supply.

  1. Model Constitution and Parish Policies. These were forwarded to Synod for approval in March of 2019. No approved copy has been returned to this date.
  2. Synod Convention- Information about any planned convention will be dealt with by Council.
  3. Eternity for Today booklets- The number of booklets in our subscription was reduced. It will be noted during the year in the monthly newsletters when the new versions are available.

There was a motion for adjournment. The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Council 2020: All members have 3-year terms. Positions are decided among council members on a yearly basis.

Corey Nordal elected 2018. Done January 2021.

Merna Hanson elected 2018. Done January 2021.

Corri Gorrill elected 2018. Done January 2021

Brenda Small elected 2019. Done January 2022

Chad Kuski elected 2019. Done January 2022

Carol Gorrill elected 2020. Done January 2023

Teresa Kuski elected 2020. Done January 2023

Addendum of information to item # 6 Flag Display

Reply from Synod Office regarding flag protocol:

“This might get slightly long, but apparently it is a confusing issue for all!

Heritage Canada says the Canadian flag always goes to the right side of the speaker or the left side as seen by the audience.  If the Christian flag is present, then according to American military tradition, the Canadian Flag would go on the other side. If both flags are displayed on the same side, the Christian flag takes precedence over the Canadian flag. However, I also found this:

                “The large Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is equally wary. Its worship agency reports this is one of its “most frequently asked questions.” Though each congregation decides, the agency says the New Testament (“there is neither Jew nor Greek . . . for you are all one in Christ Jesus” — Galatians 3:27-28) means “the most appropriate visual symbols displayed in worship spaces convey this unity in Christ” rather than uplifting one nation.

The Lutherans’ “Principles for Worship” says national flags may be “divisive” or imply “a particular national identity is synonymous with the Christian way.” Therefore, flags should not be placed permanently in the sanctuary, though they may be brought in for “certain national occasions.” Otherwise they belong elsewhere in the church building.” 7, 2018 BY RICHARD OSTLING

The Christian flag itself is an American invention of 1907 and has no real tradition in Canada except in isolated pockets.

Chairperson’s Report

It has been an interesting and long year. Pastor Carlton has been a wonderful addition to our congregation. When the covid virus closed everything down this March Pastor Carlton and Peter Frostad were able to record services without any interruption in being able to attend all services. In November, we tried to re-open but then sadly things got worse and we again were shut down. We have really enjoyed the music and the different readers from members that we don’t normally see.

The Scandinavian supper was cancelled as well as the Canadian Lutheran World Relief Concert, which was a great disappointment.

Finances are a struggle and will continue to be so as our congregation is aging and not many new people. Thank you so much for all the giving our congregation has given Norrona, weather it is monetary or volunteering. We have received extra offerings because of the on-line services reaching so many people. We always seem to fill our council requirements so thank you to them.

I will be leaving Norrona this year as we are moving to Moose Jaw but I wanted you to know it has been such an honour to be part of the Norrona Council and congregation. We will visit often.

Thank you for allowing me to represent Norrona

Merna Hanson

Pastor’s Report

So that was 2020. Some people were calling it “the year of perfect vision” back last January. By March most people realized we didn’t want to see most of what was happening. It was a year filled with new experiences. A lot of us learned how to Zoom for the first time. Some were surprised it did not involve a Mazda car.

Every year in late December and early January television networks, like to run a “year in review” program. They always go over the highs and lows of the calendar year. Peggy and I watched one and the publicity picture for the special was a photo of a dumpster fire. Yes, it was that kind of year in a lot of ways. COVID-19 came along and it felt like everything got tossed in that dumpster and set ablaze. Those who are fans of professional sports must have had a particularly hard time.

But it was not all bad. For some of us the lack of pro sports was a relief. Maybe you had an event you did not have to attend that you were secretly dreading. If there was anyone you felt like avoiding, this year was perfect. It was a year long permission slip to hide away and snuggle down under a blanket with a cup of tea and a good book. It was the year of the introvert. But even the most introverted among us have had a hard time being isolated this much.

I believe the worst thing about this past year was the funerals. It was so hard not to be able to gather freely and hug each other and grieve the way we need to. Together. That was very difficult. And there have been too many funerals.

But even in this we have found new ways to reach out and comfort one another. We are not alone even if we have to stay two meters apart and cover half of our faces. We are still the people of our God and we can touch hearts even when we can not shake hands.

I must give a huge virtual high five to the team that has kept our worship services going on-line. Peter and Carol and Brenda and Rhonda have always been there. Then at Christmas we had the Fullers join us, and we have had dozens of skilled readers present the lessons for us. We have had our bible passages read from so many different homes. Even from other continents! It has been exciting to see a “third congregation” form around and among us. Who could have guessed that we would have people joining us regularly both from across the road and from literally around the world?

Our ministry has embraced our neighbour churches when they have not been able to meet. Our team of technical, musical, and presentation people has made it possible for us to continue our ministry and even to broaden our reach. We have more participants in our worship services than we could crowd into our buildings! This is because we have skilled and talented people unselfishly sharing their gifts and taking time to produce

an experience that is of shockingly high quality. There are churches many times our size that have been unable to do what we have done. And we have done it consistently week after week, month after month through this pandemic. This is a tribute to everyone who has given and done so much.

As one looks around the city of Regina it can be distressing. So many businesses have closed up never to reopen. Through this time, as so many have given up and gone under, we have grown and built our congregation. We have grown in numbers and in participation. . We have continued to love one another and support one another. I am intensely proud of you my beloved friends for what we have been able to do together.

I am also proud of how our local businesses have stepped up and done what they can. And you have supported them in this. We have worked hard to protect one another and to support one another. All of this is a beautiful picture of obedience to Christ. Jesus gave us the one great commandment: “Love one another.” It is so beautiful to see that happening in concrete ways and with such real and obvious care.

So as the vaccines are rolled out and our sleeves are rolled up, we have so much to be thankful for. We are still here. We are still ministering to one another and to God’s precious world. We have learned new things and done new things. We have “cast our net on the other side of the boat” and found more fish there than we could have anticipated. We are well positioned as we enter 2021.

May God continue to strengthen us and give us encouragement. May our ministry keep growing and building. May we find even more effective ways to love each other and love all of God’s creation. We made it through 2020 and to me it feels like we can get through anything together. God bless you all and keep you in his care as you continue to care and love. This is truly Good News. The Gospel is here in action.


FaithLife Financial

2020 has been a year of cancellations. Both our Scandinavian Supper and spring garage sale have been put on hold. Kathleen Henfrey and Teresa Kuski each have a cheque from FaithLife to contribute to these projects. FaithLife has told them to keep them until the projects can proceed. If you have been saving lots of money on restaurant meals and entertainment, please consider investing it in FaithLife Financial. The investment will be secure and ethical and the profits contribute to the life of the church and to worthy causes. It is an excellent gift for a loved one-or for yourself!

Sharon Harvey

Visitation Report

2020 has been a very difficult year but the monthly newsletters have always either been delivered or mailed. In February, Sharon Harvey and myself did get to visit Elinora Brevig and stopped in at the home to visit Evelyn Small and Doris Hanson. Merna and Carol Gorrill were able to visit Kay Nordal in the home. Sadly, we lost Kay Nordal this spring.

The Senior Ladies 8th annual luncheon was unable to be held but hopefully in 2021 things will get better.

If you or anyone you know would like us to come visit please call Sharon Harvey.

Merna Hanson

Shared Ministry Committee Report

The Prayer for Christian Unity lunches were held again this year but instead of each church hosting one, there were only 2 – January 22 at the Alliance Church with help from the United Church and one held January 29 at St. John with help from St. Rita’s.

Pastor Carlton was prepared to lead 6 short (30 minute) Lenten services at St. John on the Words from the Cross starting Feb 26. Unfortunately, he was only able to lead 2 until everything was canceled due to Covid.

20 Christmas food hampers were prepared and delivered on December 18 to the communities of Nokomis, Govan, Silton and Strasbourg.

All other events usually organized by this committee (Rogation Service, Prelude to Christmas & Nativity Celebration) were unable to take place this year.

Worship and Parish Life Committee

This committee met 5 times in 2020 – January, February, March, October & November. With COVID-19 reaching our province, the province wide shut down in the spring, church services being cancelled and all the other restrictions, it made for a very quiet year. We were able to organize the annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper in February, and the All Saints Sunday Service held in October where we remembered the saints of our parish who passed away between November 1, 2019 and October 31, 2020: Raymond Johnson, Doreen Hubick, Reta Galger, Kathleen Nordal, and Marg Yeo.

Church services were cancelled from the middle of March until the end of September. During that time, Pastor Carlton and Peter Frostad were instrumental in preparing recorded Sunday services, and mid week messages for on line viewing. Live services began again the first Sunday in October, but we went back to on line services the beginning of December with another surge in COVID cases. This committee looked into purchasing individually wrapped communion cups for the communion services held during October & November.

Thank you to everyone who helped in any way with the recorded worship services this year. A special thank you to Peter Frostad for all the hours he put into recording & editing the services and to Pastor Carlton for his continued support and leadership of this parish.

Sunday School Annual Report

Sunday School Financial Statement

Beginning Balance $ 183.75

Offerings $ 5.00

Sarcan $ 12.15

Donations $ 46.40

Total Received $ 63.55

Total Expenses $ 00.00

Ending Balance $ 247.30

Prepared by Carol Nordal

January 14, 2021

Area Strategy Committee

This committee consists of representatives from the following congregations:

Quinton, Govan, Duval, St John, Norrona, Lumsden, Edenwold, Markinch and Earl Grey as well as Bishop Sid, Pastor Jerry Borkowsky, Pastor Carlton Larsen, Pastor Dennis Lueck, Pastor John Dut, Pastor Liz Kuglin-Alyea, Daryl Nelson and Murray Patzwald.

After several meeting & discussions the following is a list of possibilities generated:

– continue to meet for support & encouragement

– joint confirmation programs

– mutual ministry-like conversations for support & encouragement

– possibility of Earl Grey working with St John/Norrona

-authorized lay ministry could be extended broadly

– from the Synod’s perspective: creation of a large ministry areas with 1.5 or 2 full-time pastors plus authorized lay ministers for Lumsden, Earl Grey, Norrona, St John, Markinch and gathering convened for conversation among clergy and lay regarding resources – maybe bringing in people with expertise in this field about how to do ministry in a new way so we are not all recreating the same wheel.

The last meeting in 2020 was held on March 12 in Lumsden. It was decided at that meeting that representatives from Synod office would no longer attend the meetings but rather have them continue with congregational representation only however they would be available to assist if needed.

A group consisting of members from Lumsden, and Norrona offered to organize the next meeting scheduled for June 11, 2020. However, with Covid, that meeting did not happen.

St. John/Norrona Choir

Due to COVID-19, the St. John/Norrona choir was unable to practice or sing in 2020.

Trustee Committee

No Report.

Carmichael Outreach Report

This year Norrona’s Christmas tree became a Christmas Tree for Warmth with the intention of collecting items to donate to Carmichael. A bare poplar tree was put up in the church and in the weeks preceding Christmas the tree was decorated with an abundance of toques, scarves, mittens and socks donated by church members and the community. After Christmas the items were delivered to Carmichael where they were received with heartfelt appreciation.

Norrona 2019 Financial Statement and 2020 Budget
Budget 2020 Actual 2020 Budget 2021
General Account Opening Balance

Offering Income

Offering envelopes

Loose Offering

In support of on line worship services

Fundraising Income

Scandinavian Supper

Other Income

GST Income

Faith Life Grants

Easter Breakfast

Total Income


Parish Expenses

Pastoral Ministry

Pastor Salary

16,922.76 16,905.02 17,261.25

724.50 787.86 791.61

299.72 312.16 311.34

325.00 51.22 325.00
Health and Dental

1,338.00 1,312.00 1,305.00
Continuing Ed. Plan

150.00 168.75 150.00

1,353.82 1,668.27 1,380.90

676.91 667.80 690.45
Book Allowance

125.00 25.08 125.00
Worship and Services

Pulpit Supply

500.00 .00 375.00
Supply Mileage

150.00 .00 125.00
Supply Travel Time

62.50 .00 62.50
Supply Honourariums

0.00 .00 0.00
Supply Meetings

0.00 .00 0.00
Parish Secretary

900.00 900.00 900.00
Secretary EI

20.41 19.96 19.91
Secretary CPP

1.28 1.32 1.36
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund

125.00 0.00 100.00
Worship Supplies

250.00 1,741.97 250.00
Confirmation/Baptism Supplies

12.50 0.00 0.00
Copier lease, paper, insurance

575.00 366.30 450.00
Office Supplies

250.00 0.00 250.00

11.25 24.75 11.25
Copyright Licensing Fees

40.00 36.25 31.25

0.00 89.65 0.00
Parish Properties


225.00 215.28 175.00
Internet Service

162.50 178.84 150.00
Website Hosting

150.00 59.66 50.00
Total Parish Expenses

$25351.15 $25,532.14 $25291.82

Congregational Expense


1,300.00 1,279.42 1,300.00
Office/General Administrative

900.00 920.42 900.00
Organist (Designated Fees)

1,650.00 1,170.00 1,400.00
Treasurer (Designated Fees)

600.00 600.00 600.00

Repair and maintenance

2,000.00 380.89 2,000.00

1,100.00 776.14 780.00

1,200.00 627.07 1,000.00
Scandinavian Supper

1,800.00 20.67 0.00
Youth Account

700.00 700.00 0.00
Supplies – Groceries

400.00 18.49 100.00
Worship supplies

150.00 162.18 150.00

200.00 0.00 200.00

100.00 0.00 100.00
CLWR Concert (entertainment)

300.00 0.00 0.00
GST Paid on Purchases

250.00 164.93 250.00
Total Congregational Expense

$12,650.00 $6,820.21 $8,780.00
Total Expenses
$38,001.15 $32,352.35 $34,071.82
Covid 19 wage subsidy

From Memorial Acc’t for Audio Equipment

From Memorial Acc’t for R/M

General Account Closing Balance


Missions – January 1, 2020

Benevolence Received

Other (Christmas Hampers)

From Memorial Account

Disbursed – Synod Benevolence

1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00
Kinasao Bible Camp

250.00 250.00 250.00
Hospital Chaplaincy

250.00 250.00 250.00
Campus Ministry

50.00 50.00 50.00
Lutheran Seminary

250.00 250.00 250.00
Other (Christmas Hampers)

0.00 500.00 0.00
Total Disbursed

$2,700.00 $3,200.00 $2,700.00

CLWR – January 1, 2020

Received (Benevolence)

780.00 830.00 780.00
CLWR Raffle

350.00 0.00 350.00
Fundraiser (Equip a School & food security)

1,670.00 1,575.00 1,500.00
Total Disbursed

$2,800.00 $2,405.00 $2,630.00

Memorial Fund – January 1, 2020


To General for audio/visual equipment

Transferred to Repairs & Maintenance

To Missions (benevolence)

Balance – December 31, 2020


Cemetery Fund – January 1, 2020


Grass Cutting

Balance – December 31, 2020


Youth Group – January 1, 2020


From General Account

Balance – December 31, 2020


Investor Savings – January 1, 2020


Balance – December 31, 2020
