April 2024 Newsletter

Please have any reports or information to be included in the newsletter, submitted by the 24th of each month to stjohn.norrona@sasktel.net    Thank you.

If you would like to receive your newsletter by email, please send a message to: stjohn.norrona@sasktel.net

Parish Phone (306) 725-3113

Email – stjohn.norrona_pastor@sasktel.net

Mailing Address:      Box 505

                                    Strasbourg, Sk. S0G 4V0

Website: stjohnnorrona.com

Scripture Lessons

April 7, 2024:

Acts 4:32-35                    Psalm 133

1 John 1:1-2:2                 John 20:19-31

April 14, 2024:

Acts 3:12-19                    Psalm 4

1 John 3:1-7                    Luke 24:36b-48

April 21, 2024:

Acts 4:5-12                      Psalm 23

1 John 3:16-24                John 10:11-18

April 28, 2024:

Acts 8:26-40                    Psalm 22:25-31

1 John 4:7-21                  John 15:1-8

Reverend Richard D. Schulz Installation Service Installation Service for Reverend Richard D. Schulz will be at St. John Lutheran Church on Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 10:00 a.m., followed by potluck lunch. Bishop Sid Haugen presiding.  

Special Events Committee

The Special Events committee met to plan the Music Festival which will be held at St. John Lutheran Church on April 15 and 16. We have been asked to prepare lunches for both days plus morning and afternoon coffee breaks. Anyone wishing to help out contact Carol Schultz at 725-7122.

Council Report

Hmmm! Where do I start? One could say that a lot of work and effort has been completed in changing from a fulltime pastoral call to a 50% pastoral call. And we have successfully completed our call of Pastor Rick Schulz and look forward to his installment. And we have made governance changes to our council structures. Reality tells us that we are in a state of change and the ripple effect of the changes accomplished so far are going to require further work and change. All this in support of not only continuing but strengthening our ministry and carrying God’s work in our daily lives, and also into our community.

Much pride can be taken of what we have accomplished, but we must keep our eye on the ball and continue as best we can in moving forward. Again, this tells us our work is not done.

Through this change we also find ourselves in a constant state of assessment and re-evaluation. We must assess what we have traditionally been doing, listen wisely to those that we are serving, or trying to serve, and then react accordingly.

I mentioned a change in governance structure. There will be information forthcoming shortly to explain this structure. Two congregational councils and Joint Council will consolidate to one Parish Council. We are now one body moving forward with our ministry. This will require less meetings and consolidate efforts. Should there be questions, please do not hesitate to direct them to Peter Barry, Bev Decker, Rhonda Dehoop, Brenda Small, Vicki Cornwell, Corey Nordal, or Barb Gwillim.

Council has also decided to assess and evaluate all committees so that the efforts of those committees best serve their responsibilities and mandate to best serve the overall function of the Parish. The effort of assessing committees is also being done so that we can also spread the workload around, but to also involve more people which in turn will make us stronger.

Yes, we have accomplished much and there is much more to do but it is great to see the positive response and involvement of the Parish in moving forward with our ministry.  God Bless!

Submitted by Peter Barry on behalf of Parish Council.

Shared Ministry Committee Report

There were 36 hampers packaged and delivered as part of the Christmas Food Hamper program.

-The Blue Christmas service was held on December 20 at St. John with about 20 people in attendance.

-Christian Unity Lunches – The first luncheon was held at St. John on January 17 with the Lutheran Church and Calvary Fellowship hosting.  The second luncheon was held on January 24 at the Alliance Church with the Alliance Church, United Church and Catholic Churches hosting. 

-Stations of the Cross – will be held at the Alliance Church on March 29 @ 7:00 p.m. This is a celebration of Holy Week/Passion Week through a series of images symbolizing the path Jesus walked to Calvary.

 -Easter Celebration – will be held again this year at St. John on April 7 @ 2:00 p.m.  All the churches are invited to provide entertainment as like the Prelude to Christmas but with an Easter theme.  There will be lunch served after the program. 

-Rogation Service (prayer for protection of crops through blessing of the seeds, water and equipment) – will be held on April 25 @ 2:00 p.m. at the John and Rhonda de Hoop farm.

Community Outreach Report

Committee members continue to maintain dialogue with members regarding current activity with our ministry in the Parish and community. On Saturday March 23 we had another great turnout for our monthly Parish Breakfast. Thanks to Pastor Lois, Gerald Munholland, and Ray and Marilyn Craswell for providing a wonderful breakfast and to Greg Yung for his presentation. Once again thanks to those attending and for the support. A great meal. A great speaker and a great opportunity for some nice social visiting. Our next breakfast will be on April 27. Shortly after Pastor Rick’s installation, the committee will be meeting with Pastor Rick to define new procedures and protocols for the committee to assist Pastor with visitation. This need comes about because of the Pastor’s 50% responsibilities and the resulting limit on time with all pastoral responsibilities. Please watch for meeting info.

Worship And Parish Life Committee Report

This committee will be organizing pulpit supply leaders for Sundays that Pastor Rick is not preaching. Below is the schedule for Holy week and April worship services. 

March 28 – Maundy Thursday 7:00 pm with communion – Pastor Rick

March 29 – Good Friday 9:30 am, Tenebrae Service of Light – Pastor Rick

March 31 – Two Easter Sunday Communion Services – Pastor Rick
                   Norrona  8:00 am, St. John 10:00 hot cross buns, 11:00 am service
April 7 – Pastor Rick’s installation service at 10:00 am with communion and potluck to follow.
Bishop Sid Haugen will be attending.
April 14 – Pastor Rick
April 21 – Pastor Rick – communion service
April 28 – Peter Barry 
      April 7 service is at 10:00 am, but remainder of services are regular time 9:30 am.

Last Mountain Pioneer Home holds church services Wednesday mornings from 10:30 – 11:00 am.  We lead the service approximately once per month. The Lutheran church is currently the only one that does some communion services.  Pastor Rick will be the contact person.

Video recording services is part of our ministry now and seems to be playing an important role, however, we need to determine if we can continue. More discussion will take place to assess who we are trying to reach and how we are reaching them. Pastor Rick advised he will not be able to continue the mid-week messages that started during covid.

Plans are to order an online version of a resource call Sundays and Seasons to assist Pastor, secretary and lay leaders with preparing and leading worship services. It includes a program for creating bulletins and can easily generate large print copies of the service.

Brenda Small, Carol Schultz and Pastor Rick pick hymns quarterly. Be sure to let them know if you have any requests!

This committee meets approximately once per month.  Anyone is welcome to attend any or all of the meetings anytime.  Feel free to send any comments or suggestions as well. 

Norrona Lutheran Church

2024 Financial Report


Norrona Revenue

*Regular Sunday Offering (envelopes,

benevolence/missions (including CLWR),

loose, and other Norrona regular offering)    $1,340.00

*Other revenue (e.g. bank interest, Norrona

fundraising, and other Norrona-specific

revenue)                                                        $   462.60

Total Revenue                   $1,802.60

Norrona Expenses

Paid to St. John

*Norrona portion of Parish Expenses (e.g.

Pastor salary, benefits, EI, mileage, Pulpit

Supply, office & worship supplies, telephone

office secretary)                                          $2,296.53

*Norrona Congregational Expenses (e.g.

maintenance, insurance, utilities, fundraising,

worship & office supplies, organist)             $   225.89

*Missions of the Church (e.g. Sask. Synod,

CLWR, and other Norrona specific mission

projects)                                                     $     95.00

Total Expenses                  $2,617.42

Balance                            (-$814.82)

St. John Lutheran Church

Monthly Financial Summary

February 2024


Total regular offering (includes for our

church, CLWR, Benevolence, Kinasao

and pre-authorized monthly giving)        10,314.00

Total other revenue (e.g. rental property,

donations, interest, etc.)                             1,267.34

Total revenue                                     $11,581.34


Pastor Payroll (e.g. salary, benefits, EI,

mileage, etc.)                                          6,085.67

Missions (e.g. Benevolence, Sask. Synod,

etc.)  Fundraising                                       3,554.00

Worship and services (e.g. Pulpit Supply,

travel time, mileage, worship and office

supplies, Organist, Secretary, Treasurer,

Envelope Secretary, etc.)                        1,774.96

Church properties (e.g. power, telephone,

natural gas, bank service charges, line of

credit, insurance, church maintenance,

 etc.)                                                         ­1,884.24

Total expenses                                    $13,298.87

Net Income                                        (-$1,717.53)

NOTE: On line donations for this month   $260.00