Newsletter February 2025

St. John Norrona Newsletter

February 2025

Please have any reports or information to be included in the newsletter, submitted by the 24th of each month.  Thank you.

Pastor Richard D. Schulz

Pastor’s Cell (306) 725-1401

Parish Phone (306) 725-3113

Email –

Mailing Address:      Box 505

                                    Strasbourg, Sk. S0G 4V0


If you would like to receive your newsletter by email, please send a message to:

Scripture Lessons

February 2, 2025:

Jeremiah 1:4-10                        Psalm 71:1-6

1 Corinthians 13:1-13                 Luke 4:21-30

February 9, 2025:

Isaiah 6:1-13                             Psalm 138

1 Corinthians 15:1-11                 Luke 5:1-11

February 16, 2025:

Jeremiah 17:5-10                       Psalm 1

1 Corinthians 15:12-20               Luke 6:17-26

February 23, 2025:

Genesis 45:3-11,15                    Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40

1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50     Luke 6:27-38


If anyone would like to donate to LAMP (LAMP is a cross-cultural ministry sharing Jesus Christ with God’s people in remote areas of Canada), this can be done by mailing cheques payable to LAMP to 4966-92 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6B 2V4 or visit

Norrona Lutheran Church

Financial Report

December 2024

Norrona Revenue

*Regular Sunday Offering (envelopes,

loose)                                                        $ 3,114.90

benevolence/missions (including CLWR)    $    145.00

Total Revenue                  $ 3,259.90

Norrona Expenses

Paid to St. John

Offering donation                                      $ 2,874.29

*Norrona Congregational Expenses (e.g.

maintenance, insurance, utilities, worship

& office supplies)                                       $    240.61

*Missions of the Church (e.g. Sask. Synod,

CLWR, and other Norrona specific mission

projects)                                                    $    145.00

Total Expenses                 $ 3,259.90

Balance                            $       0.00

St. John Lutheran Church

Monthly Financial Summary

December 2024


Total regular offering (includes for our

church, CLWR, Benevolence, and

pre-authorized monthly giving)                   17,363.00

Total other revenue (e.g. rental property,

donations, interest , etc.)                               4,591.62

Total revenue                                          $21,954.62


Pastor Payroll (e.g. salary, benefits, EI,

mileage, etc.)                                                4,742.65

Missions (e.g. Benevolence, Sask. Synod,

etc.) Fundraising                                              5,986.68

Worship and services (e.g. Pulpit Supply,

travel time, mileage, worship and office

supplies, Organist, Secretary, Treasurer,

Envelope, Secretary, etc.)                            1,709.68

Church properties (e.g. power, telephone,

natural gas, bank service charges, line of

credit, insurance, church maintenance,

 etc.)                                                              2,506.32

Total expenses                                        $14,945.33

Net Gain                                                     $7,009.29

NOTE: On line donations for this month $825.00

Worship Committee Report

Thank you to Jan Schulz for leading worship on December 8 and Krista Loydl and Carla Betker for leading the Family Christmas Service at Norrona on the evening of December 22. Well done and greatly appreciated!

The hotdog and caroling Sunday on December 8 went well. A group sang at the LMPH as well as the Manor. The Christmas services were also well attended.

Service Leaders for the next few months:

*All services are at 9:30 am unless noted otherwise.

January 26 – Pastor Lois – lay service

February 2 – Pastor Rick – communion service

February 9 –      TBD       – lay service

February 16 – Pastor Rick – communion service

February 23 –      TBD       – lay service   

March  2 – Pastor Rick – communion service

March  5 – Pastor Rick – “souper supper” 6:00 pm        

followed by Ash Wednesday service 7:00 pm

March  9 –      TBD       – lay service

March 16 – Pastor Rick – communion service

March 23 –      TBD       – lay service

March 30 –      TBD       – lay service 

April 6 – Pastor Rick – communion service

April 13 –      TBD       – Palm Sunday lay service

April 17 – Pastor Rick – Maundy Thursday
                                        with communion

April 18 – Pastor Rick – Good Friday

April 20  – Pastor Rick – Easter Sunday communion services 8:00 am at Norrona, 11:00 am at St. John

April 27 –      TBD       – lay service   

Names are still being added for lay service leaders. If you are interested, or would like more information, please speak to Brenda Small, Carol Schultz, or Pastor Rick, or email

If you have topic suggestions for future workshops or would like to read lessons, run the powerpoint, be a greeter, help with communion, set up or provide flowers for the altar, make coffee, or provide special music occasionally, please speak to Orva, Rhonda, Brenda or Carol S, or send an email to

Coming up soon is the annual potluck and dessert auction on Sunday, February 2!

On Wednesday, March 5 there will be a “souper supper” at 6:00 pm followed by the Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 pm.

The next Worship Committee meeting is Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 1:30 pm at St. John. Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings. 

Submitted by Rhonda de Hoop

Worship Committee Secretary      

Worship Services at the Last Mountain Pioneer Home

Pastor Rick will be leading worship at the Last Mountain Pioneer Home on the following Wednesday Mornings from 10:30 – 11:00 a.m.

– February 12th                      – July 30th

– March 12th                                   – August 27th

– April 9th                               – September 24th

– May 7th                                 – October 22nd

– June 4th                                           – November 19th

– July 2nd                                – December 17th